Another Writer Heard From

This book sounds lovely.

The excerpt below features a translation provided by the writer at Incurable Logophilia, but the French, to my relatively unexperienced eye, reads very fluidly, very smoothly.  I may have to look into getting this.

from Incurable Logophilia
citing Le Canapé Rouge
Michèle Lesbre

Voir un homme se rouler une cigarette, le perdre de vue très vite, me souvenir de lui toujours. Aujourd’hui encore, il m’arrive de penser à la brève apparition de cet inconnu surprise dans son intimité, à d’autres aussi qui de façon mystérieuse se sont installés dans ma mémoire, comme des témoins silencieux de mes errances.

[To see a man roll himself a cigarette, lose sight of him quickly, remember him forever. Still today I find myself thinking of the brief appearance of this unknown person caught in his private moment, and of others who have mysteriously taken up residence in my memory, like so many silent witnesses to my wanderings.]


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