Future Reading

From The Millions--books to look forward to (or dread) this summer

Both C (Tom McCarthy) and Now Listen to This (by Alex Ross, whose first book The Rest is Noise is a splendid guide to 20th Century Classical music and its influence) caught my attention.

Oh and a Pevear and Volkhonsky Doctor Zhivago!


  1. Steven - The McCarthy and Ross books will both secure my attention when published, as will the William Gibson and Ozick. New translations of Kundera, Bernhard look promising. A bust second half.

  2. Dear Anthony,

    Yes, this will be the second or third Ozick foray into James country--that is interesting. I'm less wild about Gibson, finding that early popularity and wild acclaim didn't really do much for his work as a whole, but I am interested in reading this last trilogy, so perhaps I need to back off of my antipathy somewhat.




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