Too Good to Be True?

A trailer for Whisperer in Darkness the first Lovecraft film that looks like it might have something to do with something HPL wrote.

And while we're at it, why not just take a gander at the H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society Site?


  1. Are you referring to the 2007 or the 2010 production?

  2. Fred,

    From what I could find, there was a trailer for this film in 2007; however, it is to be released this year. Given that it is a smallish group it may have taken a while to raise the money for production, editing, etc. I don't know.



  3. According to, there are actually two separate films. The later one is still in production, so I guess that trailer is for the 2007 version.

    I'll have to keep watch at Netflix and the local library.

  4. Dear Fred,

    Nope, I know that on the site the trailer was listed for the forthcoming film; however, in other sites, that trailer has been available since about 2007. There is ANOTHER trailer of the same vintage from a different group, so perhaps that belongs to the 2007 film?



  5. Interesting.

    Well, I'll keep watch for whatever shows up. The 2007 film isn't available either on Netflix or the library. I wonder if it was even released.

  6. Dear Fred,

    Good question. I found this review ( of it--so it has been released, but I certainly never heard about it at the time, and it would have provoked intense interest for me.



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