Robert de Boron and the Prose Merlin

There are so many wonderful things about the internet: there was a time when a scholar had to order through ILL and wait for weeks or months before he or she could set eyes on such works as Geoffrey of Monmouth's Vita Merlini or Robert de Boron's Prose Merlin. No more.
from Prose Merlin
Robert de Boron

Full wrothe and angry was the Devell, whan that oure Lorde hadde ben in helle and had take oute Adam and Eve and other at his plesier. And whan the fendes sien that, they hadden right grete feer and gret merveile. Thei assembleden togedir and seiden: "What is he this thus us supprisith and distroyeth, in so moche that oure strengthes ne nought ellis that we have may nought withholde hym, nor again hym stonde in no diffence but that he doth all that hym lyketh? We ne trowed not that eny man myght be bore of woman but that he sholde ben oures; and he that thus us distroyeth, how is he born in whom we knewe non erthely delyte?"

Than ansuerde anothir fende and seide, "He this hath distroyed, that which we wende sholde have be mooste oure availe. Remembre ye not how the prophetes seiden how that God shulde come into erthe for to save the synners of Adam and Eve, and we yeden bysily aboute theym that so seiden, and dide them moste turment of eny othir pepill; and it semed by their semblant that it greved hem but litill or nought, but they comforted hem that weren synners, and seide that oon sholde come which sholde delyver hem out of tharldome and disese?


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