Favorite Book Blogs of the Year

Rather than favorite books, which seems so arbitrary given the minimal amount of reading that I can do in a year, it seemed worthwhile for me to note the book blogs I return to time and again in the course of the year because of the variety of  interesting things offered there.  This is my way of trying to make up for occasions when I should have credited someone and may not have done so.

By far and away, my top three favorite locations for sheer bulk and variety of posts are:

Books Inq.
Open Culture

Then three that don't post as much, but always have material of quality

First Known When Lost
The Common Reader

This should by no means be read as a "best of list."  I'm in no position to judge and I really enjoy all the blogs that I've listed in my right-hand column.  But I do know that over the year, I've spent an inordinate amount of time at these blogs (and many of my links reflect the time spent)--the webmasters have been delightful and courteous hosts when I've taken time to comment and I just want to lend my little bit of encouragement to the keepers so that they will continue to entertain and inform the blog-world.


  1. Hi Steven, I really do appreciate your kind endorsement, a lot. Thank you. You may chuckle to learn that I often think of a specific blogger when I post something. It helps me string words together when I might otherwise find it very difficult to do so. Sometimes I imagine conversing with AR, say, when writing about Jekyll and Hyde, and other times I imagine chatting with you, especially on literary topics more classical or philosophical. That you and one or two others find my blog a worthwhile place to visit has made all the difference to me. Lastly, I almost wrote you this morning to give you a heads up about my Aquinas post, because I was worried that you might be offended, but decided against it last second. I figure our "blog" / "cyber" friendship, anonymous as it more or less is, could handle it. That's my hope, at least.

    Many cheers,

    P.S. I finished O'Connor and have started reading her again. There are 3-5 things that fascinate me about her, ranging from the bizarre state of confusion that she often produces in me when I finish one of her stories, to the very subtle anti-intellectualism (I would need to carefully define this) and the not so subtle attack on secular humanism.

    P.S.S. I'll post on A Good Man is Hard to Find in the coming weeks, and apologize for it now!

  2. Oh, man. I wrote a very long, heartfelt thank you (and apologia of sorts) but see that it's been lost in the ether. I can't muster the energy for a second pass... Except to say thank you.


  3. I missed this post yesterday...regardess, all I can do is echo Kevin's heartfelt thanks.

  4. Dear Kevin,

    I knew it hadn't vanished because I saw it in e-mail--somehow--by virtue of reasons that defy reason, it wound up in the spam box. But I have restored it and I thank you for the kind words.


    Yours is one of those places I go every day and which I enjoy enormously, it is my pleasure.




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