Kim Jon-Il Sweeps the Lit Prizes?

Dictator Lit

an excerpt:

from "Dictator Lit: Kim  Jong-Il's Political Philosophy"
Daniel Kalder
Since no free copy of On Film was on offer I bought the cheapest Kim I could find, namely Our Socialism Centered on the Masses Shall Not Perish, also published by the prudent souls at the University Press of the Pacific. As it is, perhaps it was good that UP of P were so stingy. Our Socialism, which clocks in at 46 pages, is 10 times shorter than On Film – and given that Kim's prose is awful enough to kill infants if read aloud in their hearing, brevity is a blessing. Meanwhile, given the reportedly fragile state of Kim's health, and the recent anointment of Kim Jong-un as the il's heir apparent, the theme of the imperishability of North Korean socialism is very timely.


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